Proctoring Service


To meet the needs of individuals and institutions of higher learning, the Stilwell Public Library will cooperate with area residents to support their lifelong learning goals by offering proctoring services.

Responsibilities of the Student
The student will ask the director or library employee to administer the exam.

The student will arrange for the exam and instructions to be sent to the library, at least one week before the taking of the exam.

The student is responsible for informing the director as to when the test will be taken.

The student is responsible for return postage and envelope for any exam which does not include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

The finished exam will be handled with other Library mail.

Responsibilities of the Library
The proctor will observe the student while performing other tasks. Proctoring at the library will include issuing the exam, being aware the student is taking the exam, periodically observing the student, signing the proctor form, and mailing the completed exam. If constant, uninterrupted observation is required, the library staff cannot proctor the exam.

No changes to public computer settings may be made or special software installed.

The library will provide proctoring for groups of students, at library’s discretion.  

The library is not responsible if the web site or email is not working.

The library is not responsible for completed exams that are lost in the mail.

The library will not keep copies of completed exams.

Approved:  December 09, 2020